The Sandberg Stringretainer was especially developed for string guiding of classic Sandberg California, Panther, Electra and...
Sandberg bridges for 4-string basses offer easy adjustment of intonation, string spacing and action. Features: Genuine bridge...
Deluxe Semi Hardshell Gigbag for electric guitars by Sandberg. Features: Deluxe Semi Hardshell Gigbag 25mm foam plastic paddi...
50ml (138 EUR / Liter)
90ml (54,44 EUR / Liter)
Features:Korpus: Erle Hals: Kanadischer Ahorn, 6-fach geschra...
The "Ken Taylor" is the Jack of all trades bass, featuring all the specs you could probably wish for. All features are optiona...
Im Bereich "Allround" besitzt der "Ken Taylor" alle ausgepr?gten F?higkeiten die man als Bass besitzen kann. Auch hier sind wi...